PLP not amused by ‘Solo Action’ Koos Sneek
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- The fraction of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) is not happy with what they describe as a ‘solo-action’ by Councilman Koos Sneek of the List Sneek.
The PLP fraction writes this in letter to the members of the Second Chamber, dated December 17, 2020. “Through the media, the PLP has taken note of the fact that Mr. Koos Sneek -according to him with approval of the Government Commissioner- presents his own plan (Action List, editor) to institutions in The Netherlands (including Parliament and at ministries) as if it were supported by the whole Island Council”. The PLP stresses in the letter that this however is not the case.
The PLP states that while they expect much from cooperation with European Netherlands, the approach by Sneek, is not the correct one. Sneek earlier this week communicated that he had traveled to The Netherlands to discuss his ‘Action Plan’ with various institutions and parliamentarians.
Another area of concern of the PLP is the fact that the impression has been created that the mission to The Netherlands by Koos Sneek is supported by Government Commissioners Van Rij and Francis.
“Admittedly, it is The Daily Herald who quotes Mr. Sneek in saying that the Government Commissioner support the initiatives of Mr. Sneek. It seems to us, the PLP, that the government commissioner should stand above the individual parties”, according to the letter to members of the Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations.
The PLP closes in stating that they look forward to meeting with the various MP to discuss matters of interest to the island, but that it should at all times be clear if a representative speaks on behalf of their own fraction, or the entire Island Council. The action of Koos Sneek is just that, and is no action on behalf of either the Island Council, or Statia’s population as a whole.
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