Police and justice

KPCN receives visit from the Justice and Security Committee

The visitors together with representatives with of KPCN at the police station in Kralendijk. Foto: RCN

KRALENDIJK – On Friday, August 23, the Justice and Security Committee of the Dutch House of Representatives, led by Ingrid Michon-Derkzen, paid a working visit to the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force (KPCN). The committee evaluates and oversees matters related to justice and security.

The acting chief of police, Rob Meijer, received the committee members. During the visit, various topics were discussed, including the capacity of the force, particularly the shortage of personnel within the Basic Police Care and Investigation departments, the collaboration with partners, and the challenges the force regularly faces.


The visitors also received a presentation from the Cybercrime Unit, which provided an overview of the unit’s activities and how it operates. Finally, they were given a tour of the building, where they briefly stopped at the new central control room.

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