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DP Statia: Include Statian Culture and History in education system

The DP handing in their list in a ‘socially distanced’ manner.

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- The Democratic Party (DP) in St. Eustatius believes that information about Statian Cultuer and History must form part of the educational system on the island.

This is one of the action points mentioned in the DP “Manifesto”, recently published by Statia’s oldest political party.


“We need to safeguard our culture and local identity, however encouraging people from other countries and cultures who made Statia their home to really integrate by participating fully in Statia life”, according to the party manifesto.

According to the DP, this can be achieved through what they call ‘slight adjustments’ within the school curriculum. “Therefore, we urge Local Government to work with the National Government to include Statian culture and history in the education system for our children”.


The DP also dedicates a paragraph to sports in their manifesto. “The DP therefore believes that sports needs to be encouraged and become an integral part of our society and school curriculum”, according to the red party.


The DP manifesto also states that they believe that regular physical activity will help the island to combat the relatively high level of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension on St. Eustatius.

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