
Complete Population of Saba and Statia to receive vaccine in February

injecting injection vaccine vaccination medicine flu man doctor insulin health drug influenza concept - stock image
injecting injection vaccine vaccination medicine flu man doctor insulin health drug influenza concept – stock image

Oranjestad/The Bottom- According to current plans presented by Health Minster Hugo De Jonge, the entire population of both St. Eustatius and Saba will be vaccinated around February 15th, 2021.

In Bonaire however, the vaccination will take place in a phased manner, where health care providers and groups with higer risks will receive the Covid-vaccine first.

Earlier plans had indicated that vaccination would start on the island around the same time as was the case in The Netherlands. This now is no longer the case.


Concrete plans on how the vaccination will take place have not been communicated as of yet. Especially on St. Eustatius, not all residents are jumping of joy with the idea of being vaccinated.

In general a lack of information on the vaccine can be noted, so that residents can take a better decision about taking the vaccine or not.

A survey executed by Linkels & Partners together with the BES-Reporter in November 2020, suggested that on Bonaire and Saba a relatively big majority of residents was positive about receiving the vaccine, but on St. Eustatius only 42% of respondents indicated they would be willing to take the vaccine. 19% indicated they were still in doubt, whereas 38% indicated they would not take the vaccine.

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