
Action plan for the protection of Caribbean Sea Turtles

Participants of the STRAP workshop | Photo WWF

COSTA RICA – Local and regional nature organizations are joining forces to develop a Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan (STRAP) for the Dutch Caribbean. In preparation for this action plan for the protection of Caribbean sea turtles, a workshop was organized by Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire (STCB) and the World Wide Fund for Nature – Netherlands (WWF-NL) during the annual WIDECAST conference.

The organizations involved in the conservation and recovery of sea turtles in the Dutch Caribbean were invited to this workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the current status of activities and threats in the region and to determine the outline of the plan. A start is also being made on identifying priorities that are needed to increase the protection of sea turtles on each island. The STRAP for the Dutch Caribbean is a project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and WWF-NL, and is implemented by STCB in collaboration with WWF-NL.

Like other migratory species, sea turtles know no boundaries. Their well-being and protection depend on choices made at local, regional and international levels. WIDECAST plays an important role in the development of the STRAP. The Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network is an international scientific network composed of sea turtle experts in more than 40 Caribbean countries and territories. This advisory body applies international guidelines and will approve all documents resulting from the sessions.

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