
Experts chart pathways for peace in Haiti at CDB annual meeting

A view of the conference in progress. Photo: CDB

OTTAWA, Canada – In a significant move to address Haiti’s ongoing crisis, experts at the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)’s 54th Annual Meeting outlined strategies for restoring stability and fostering peace in the nation. 

Haiti Now: Development Priorities and Interventions’ explored collaboration between Haiti’s interim council and international and regional partners, aiming to align CDB’s efforts with the nation’s development priorities.

The forum explored ways regional and international institutions can build social, economic, and climate resilience, and promote political stability to support Haiti’s transition to emerging country status by 2030, in alignment with the nation’s Strategic Development Plan. It also underscored the importance of strong partnerships, sustained engagement, and strategic investments to help Haiti transition from fragility to stability and prosperity.  

The discussion, moderated by CDB’s Vice President for Operations (Ag) Mrs. Therese Turner-Jones, tackled the impacts of political uncertainty and gang violence on development, offering recommendations for improvement.


 It also examined how regional and international institutions can build social, economic, and climate resilience, promoting political stability to support Haiti’s goal of achieving emerging country status by 2030, in alignment with its Strategic Development Plan.

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