
‘Prikichi Reserve’ says it wants to preserve important nature Bonaire

According to the sign, the coast and old road towards the north will remain accessible. Photo: ABC Online Media/Bert Nijland

KRALENDIJK – Hikers who use the old route towards the tourist road on Hato were surprised at the weekend by a sign from ‘Prikichi Reserve’, which says that it wants to preserve important nature on the island.

The fenced plots are located between the old tourist road and the road to Sabadeco. Passers-by had been able to see work being done on the pieces of land for some time and feared the worst.

Still, there seems to be some good news with regard to the planned development of the sites. According to the recently placed sign, the intention is to preserve pieces of land in the area for nature.

“Like-minded individuals have come together to protect this remaining piece of land and coast. To protect the native flora and fauna within, this area has been fenced off to keep out wild herbivores,” the sign posted as well as the website read.

It is also promised that the beach and the old road parallel to the shoreline will remain accessible and maintained for public use. “Enjoy the natural coastline and dry forest, take only photos and leave only footprints,” the website says.


The information on the website is still very sparse. It is not clear who exactly are the ‘like-minded individuals’ and are therefore behind the initiative. It is also not entirely clear which piece of land will actually be protected and which part will not. In any case, the text seems to suggest that the coast will remain freely accessible to hikers and recreationists.

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