
1.1 Million Needed for Finalization of Cliff Project

Much work has already been done, but some ‘finishing touches’ will require additional funds.

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius -The cliff that houses the historic Fort Oranje has been stabilised. The project has been funded from the Reconstruction Resources10 made available following devastating hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.

The Public Entity St Eustatius has in the meantime applied to the Dutch Governement to make extra funding available for what are called ‘finishing touches’ on the Cliff project. These entail the building a fence to keep people off the cliff, and constructing a cascade in the purview of water drainage into the sea.

The cost of these finishing touches is expected to total an additional USD 1.1 million. The application is currently being reviewed at the administrative level, according to the progress report sent to State Secretary to Dutch Parliament.

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