
13 Active Cases of Covid-19 on Bonaire

Kralendijk – There are 13 active cases of Covid-19 on Bonaire on July 2, 2021. Out of the 7 test results received, nothing positive. Two people have recovered from Covid-19.

Do you have complaints? Let’s get tested. What’s important is to wait for the result at home in quarantine. Don’t go to the streets, because you can infect others. By staying home you prevent spreading to people outside your own household. That’s the most powerful weapon we know to contain the outbreak. To get the number of contagions down, it’s important to adhere to the instructions, such as keeping 1.5 meters away and washing hands to prevent infection with the coronavirus.

Do you have a sore throat or other complaints that indicate Covid-19? Stay home and call 0800-0800. Keep your hygiene instructions. Eat healthy, stay in motion and sleep enough. Take care of yourself and the people around you.

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