1349 New Registrations; 363 Persons Vaccinated on Monday

Kralendijk- A total of 1349 persons on Bonaire have registered to be vaccinated between Friday afternoon and Monday afternoon.
The rush in registration is on the one hand caused by the fact that registration is now open for everyone older than 18 years. So far, only those of 60 years of age and up could register for vaccination.
Monday also saw a modest increase in the amount of people vaccinated on a single day. A total of 221 persons received their first vaccine shot, while 142 received their second shot of the Phizer vaccine.
So far 3,891 persons have received 1 shot and 883 personas are now fully vaccinated. In total 6,813 people on the island have registered to be vaccinated.
So far people can only register online for vaccination at www.bonairecrisis.com. The Government is still working on opening a special toll free number for registration.