
ABN AMRO to Continue Services provided to Dutch Caribbean clients

ABN-AMRO will -for now- continue its banking relationship with Dutch Nationals living on the Dutch Caribbean island. Photo: ABN-AMRO

The Hague- Clients of ABN-AMRO living on the six Dutch Caribbean islands, can for now continue to have an account at the Dutch bank.

Recently a cancellation letter was sent to all customers of the bank, residing in Curaçao. According to the bank, it had the intention of cancelling services for residents on the Dutch Caribbean islands. The letter from ABN AMRO has now been withdrawn by the Bank. ABN-AMRO says they have acted prematurely, especially in the light of a new law being discussed to guarantee the basic bank account services for all Dutch passport holders.

The move by ABN-AMRO is part of the de-risking strategy seen worldwide by many banks, towards a lot of Caribbean countries and customers. The move had many Antillean residents with bank accounts at ABN-AMRO quite worried.

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