Adjustment variable electricity rates as of July 1st 2018

Kralendijk, 29th June 2018 –The variable electricity rates of WEB Bonaire will be increased with USD 0.0286 per kWh as of the 1st July 2018. This is due to rising prices for the fuel that is needed for the production of electricity. The increase applies to the variable usage rate and to the rate for Pagabon.
The fuel costs incurred by ContourGlobal Bonaire (CGB) and WEB for the production of electricity are charged 1 to 1 to the WEB customers. WEB emphasizes that no margin is calculated on these fuel costs. In the past period fuel costs have risen, necessitating an adjustment of the variable electricity rates per 1st July 2018. According to the BES Electricity and Drinking Water Act, cost developments can lead to an adjusted variable electricity tariff twice a year, on 1st July and 1st January.
The Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has developed a model for these adjustments, the result of which – an increase of USD 0.0286 per kWh per 1st July 2018 – has been set on 19th June 2018. Based on this the following new variable electricity rates have been set per 1st July 2018:
- – Variable usage rate (post-paid): USD 0.2870 per kWh
- – Pagabon rate (pre-paid): USD 0.4106 per kWh
The change of the tariff per 1st July 2018 will be visible for the postpaid users on the invoice book month August (which invoice also relates to the delivery month of July) and prepaid users (Pagabon) immediately. The fixed usage rates will not be adjusted per 1st July 2018.
The full rate sheet for electricity effectual per 1st July 2018 can be found on