
Aggressive dogs Lagoen Hill attack another victim and were put down

Aggressive dogs Lagoen Hill attack another victim and were put down

KRALENDIJK – ABC Online Media on Tuesday evening was tipped off by various media, that several dogs, who in December 2021 attacked and wounded an elderly resident in his own home, attacked and wounded another victim on Tuesday evening.

This time out of nowhere the dogs attacked a man who was walking from one house to another. Reports mention a total of seven out of a total of fourteen dogs that were kept by the dog owners. After the first attack, the dog owners received a final warning from Lieutenant Governor Edison Rijna.


However, residents in the area were by no means reassured by the measures taken, as the dogs had already shown aggressive behaviour before the December incident and the yard was still not adequately secured. The owners of the dogs, on the other hand defended themselves against what they saw as “unfair criticism.”

They pointed out that supposedly only one particular dog would have been guilty of biting the victim.  


This time, the authorities intervened immediately and forcefully. ABC Online Media understands that the vet in the meantime has put several of the dogs down. The victim was taken to the emergency room where he was still treated late Tuesday night. No details have been released or confirmed by the authorities so far. 

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