Agressive dogs Lagoen Hill put to sleep on orders of Police

KRALENDIJK- The Police force Caribbean Netherlands (KPCN) on Thursday finally took more drastic measures to a group of dogs in Lagoen Hill, which for the second time in a short period of time attacked an elderly man.
“On Tuesday, February 1, the police station received a report that someone had been bitten by dogs in Lagun Hill. When the police arrived, the ambulance was on the scene and the staff was providing medical attention to a man for bite marks to his arms and legs. The dog’s owner stated that one of his children had forgotten to close the garden gate and some of the dogs went outside and attacked the man who was just passing by”, according to a statement put out by KPCN.
Police points out that the incident concerns the owner of the same dogs which severely wounded an 86-year-old man last December, after some of the dogs came through a hole in the fence in the neighbour’s garden. The December incident prompted a neighbourhood investigation, and discussions were also held with the owners of the dogs. After this, a report was drawn up by KPCN, with the request to the Island Governor Rijna to designate these dogs as ‘dangerous’, in accordance with article 8, paragraph 1 of the Bonaire Dog Ordinance 1997, and to inform the owner of this by means of a letter.
The letter, which included among others the conditions that the dogs should always be on a leash on the public road, and the reinforcement of fence in such a way that the dogs could not escape anymore. This letter, according to KPCN, was the Governor’s last warning. After this, the Police would have the authority to put the dogs down, if needed.
KPCN now notes that the owner did not comply with the requirement to keep the dogs inside. Subsequently the police ordered a vet to put the six dogs to sleep after Tuesday’s incident One puppy has been placed at another address.
Many residents of the neighbourhood have expressed dismay both with the Police Department and Governor Rijna, for not acting sooner or in a more decisive manner after the first incident. They point out that the incident in December 2021 was not the first or the only incident. Time and again over past weeks, they tried to draw attention for the dangerous situation.
It is also felt that the owners did not take the complaints very serious and tried to ‘downplay’ the aggressive behaviour by the pack of dogs, pointing out that ‘only one of the dogs’ had attacked the first victim. This, while many residents pointed out that the pack of dogs -collectively- carried out various other attacks in the neighbourhood.
Skin graft
The leg of the first victim of the dog attack, after six weeks, is still in such horrible condition, that the BES-Reporter does not want to share these pictures on their website, for being too disturbing. According to reports received, the elderly man will need a skin graft in order for the wound finally close.