
Antriol now has its own flag and anthem

Antriol now has its own flag and anthem
The flags of respectively Bonaire, The Netherlands and Antriol on Sunday morning. Photo: ABC Online Meia

KRALENDIJK- Since Easter Monday, the Antriol district now also has its own flag and anthem.

In a solemn gathering, the national anthem was sung and the flag was raised. The flag was designed by Rolando Marin, while Reginald Dortalina wrote the lyrics for the neighbourhood’s own song.

Deputy Thielman, who was present at the happening, indicated that he also sees himself as someone who has a special bond with the neighbourhood. “As a child, I ran around in my grandmother’s yard, who lived here,” said Thielman.


Thielman also complimented the Avanti organization on all the activities it is developing in the neighbourhood. “A real example for other neighbourhood organizations,” said Thielman.

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