
Bonaire Gets New Job Center

Former Chamber of Commerce director Dick ter Burg will be the project leader for the new Job Center

Kralendijk- Dick ter Burg, former director of the Chamber of Commerce, has started as project manager for the future Job Center (Plenchi di Trabou) on the island.

The new Job Center will build on the results of the ’twinning’ with the municipality of Leiden in The Netherlands.

The Public Entity and RCN unit Social Affairs and Employment will work together in the job center to bring the service to those seeking employment and employers to a higher level.

This establishment of the Job Center is part of the Government Agreement between Bonaire and The Nederlands.

For Ter Burg, customers are central: “It is important to get a clear picture of the customer’s wishes and processes, together with professionals in this area. This approach has worked well in the professionalization of the Chamber of Commerce”, said Ter Burg.

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