
Bonaire Government announces and withdraws new fuel prices in few hours’ time

Bonaire Government announces and withdraws new fuel prices in few hours’ time

KRALENDIJK – The Public Entity Bonaire on Thursday announced new increased fuel prices, only to pull back the announcement a few hours later.  

A justification for the reversal of the announced increase has not been given. However, a public outcry could be seen on various Social Media after the initial announcement. Normally, there is a space of at least two days between the announcement and the actual introduction of the higher prices. According to the first press release on the matter, the new prices would have come into effect as of tomorrow, less than 24 hours after the announcement.


Unfortunately, the most probably scenario is that the increase will still take place over the coming days.  Although it was agreed at the time, that fuel prices would move every month in line with the development of prices on world markets, in practice they are only adjusted every few months.

Increasing fuel prices is always a sensitive political topic for the Executive Council. While this is hardly unjustified, Government is always blamed for any increase. In reality, the Executive Council has little wiggling space on the actual fuel prices to be charged at the pump. 

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