
Bonaire Government: Better monitoring animal welfare and dog biting incidents

KRALENDIJK – The dog population on Bonaire is growing and there are many biting incidents in the news. The Public Entity Bonaire (OLB) is therefore starting an information campaign and will more actively monitor enforcement.

The Public Entity points out, once again, that the owner of the dog is responsible for the behaviour of the dog. “The owner of the dog should prevent that biting incidents can happen. Dogs should be kept in their yard”, according to a statement on Tuesday morning.

The government considers safety on the street and in the neighbourhoods important, and therefore drew up an action plan in the year 2021. Government notes that the plan was made possible thanks to various interested organisations. This has shown that the dog problem, stray and neglected dogs has priority. The action plan has resulted in concrete action points, which the Public Entity wants to implement this year.

An information campaign will start at the end of March with the aim of pointing out to dog owners their responsibilities and the importance of good care. Current legislation and regulations and enforcement options were also examined. On the basis of the existing Dog Ordinance, the Criminal Code BES, Policy Plan Nature and Environment CN and the Civil Code BES action can be undertaken in case of violations and owners can be held accountable for damage inflicted upon others.

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