Bonaire Government: Prepare for Hurricane Season

Kralendijk- The Government of Bonaire urges citizens to be prepared for the upcoming Hurricane Season, which official starts on June 1.
“It is important that all citizens are well prepared. If a citizen is insufficiently prepared for a hurricane, it may mean that he or she is at risk with a hurricane”, according to a press statement by the Public Entity Bonaire.
The Public Entity stresses that it will ensure that the community is well informed. “This year, Government will deliver hurricane leaflets door-to-door in four languages before the season begins. This way, all citizens can be well prepared for a tropical storm or hurricane:, according to Government.
The brochure will explain what Government will do in and will also focus on the role of emergency number 911.
Local Government has a disaster response team that is ready to take action in the event of a crisis or disaster and to combat them. The team coordinates with various agencies such as the police, fire brigade, doctors and caregivers what should happen in case of danger during and after a hurricane or tropical storm. Government will also arrange shelters for people who cannot stay at home because it is unsafe there.
Disaster App
Noteworthy is to mention that an App has been developed which can be downloaded both from the Google Playstore as from the i-Store. The name of the App is Disasterprep Bonaire. The app is available in Dutch, English and Papiamentu.