Bonaire Mentioned as 1 of few Places on Earth without Coronavirus
15-04-2020 -
2 minuten leestijd

Bonaire is mentioned as second biggest ‘permanently inhabited’ territory with no confirmed cases in an article in the British Publication ‘The Telegraph’.
The article reviews 15 countries and 12 permanently inhabited (dependent) territories that are still without any cases of the feared Covid-19 cases.
“.. It may seem like Covid-19 has spread to every corner of the planet”, according to the article. “However, at the time of publication (April 15, editor), there are actually 15 UN member states, and a clutch of other remote inhabited territories, still to report their first infection”.
The territories mentioned are:
- American Samoa (population 55,191)
- Bonaire (population 20,104)
- Cook Islands (population 17,564)
- Wallis and Futuna (population 11,239)
- Saint Helena, Acension and Tristan da Cunha (population 5,633)
- Svalbard (Norway) (population 2,667)
- Christmas Island (population 1,843)
- Norfolk Islands (population 1,748)
- Niue (population 1,626)
- Tokelau (population 1,357)
- Cocos Islands (population 554)
- Pitcairn Islands (population 50)
The complete article can be found at