
Bonaire police will destroy uncollected and packed goods

KRALENDIJK – The KPCN is organizing a clean-up campaign of the seizure room of the police station on Friday, November 4, 2022. It is possible that goods and vehicles will be destroyed in connection with this. This concerns goods or vehicles for which there is a judicial decision to destroy and/or which must be withdrawn from circulation.

The owners of some seized goods and vehicles are unknown. For this reason, the KPCN calls on anyone whose goods or vehicles have been seized or taken into custody to report to [email protected], by telephone (+599) 715 8000 or to the police station at Kaya Libertador Simon Bolivar 4.

Owners wishing to make a claim must present themselves with proof of ownership. The KPCN further points out that anyone who wants to take a seized vehicle with them must comply with all laws and regulations regarding the use of your vehicle or property. This may include having a driver’s license, but also proof of insurance.

Time until Sunday

Goods and vehicles that have not been collected by Sunday, October 30, 2022, will be destroyed in the clean-up of Friday, November 4, 2022.

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