
Bonairean Davidlee Winklaar Wins Kickboxing Final in Mexico

Kick boxing Champion Davidlee Winklaar with his parents. Photo: Monalisa Domacassé.
Davidlee Winklaar, photo Monalisa Domacasse

Kick boxing Champion Davidlee Winklaar with his parents. Photo: Monalisa Domacassé.

Kralendijk- Yesterday, Saturday, October 27 kick boxer Davidlee Winklaar became champion at the WAKO Pan American Championships 2018 in Mexico.

Davidlee writes on his Facebook page: “I stood in the ring, with Bonaire in my heart and God made the movements for me, together we did it.”

During the prize-giving ceremony, Davidlee received the prize presented by the president of WAKO Netherlands and the organization congratulated him especially because Bonaire participated for the first time in the WAKO Pan America Championships.

At this tournament ladies and gentlemen from North, Central and South America compete in different weight classes. Davidlee had to compete in the final against a Canadian fighter. Davidlee impressed during the first match of the tournament where he knocked his opponent out in 10 seconds.

Davidlee trained for years independently and joined Topteam Bonaire a few years ago. After several tournaments, he became champion in his class today in Mexico.

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