Breathing Ventilators flown from Bonaire to Curaçao

Kralendijk- A total of 10 breathing ventilator machines have been sent by Fundashon Mariadal in Bonaire to the Curaçao Medical Center (CMC).
The machines last year had been shipped to Bonaire by The Netherlands, but were so far still unused. The care at CMC is under pressure, due to the sudden surge in Covid-19 cases on the island. In a matter of days, the ICU and other departments of CMC has filled up with Covid patients needing additional care.
According to governor Edison Rijna, there is still more than enough equipment on Bonaire to be used for local patients. “These machines were unused so far and we have more than enough to deal with our own patients so far”, said Reina.
The run up in number of Covid cases in Curaçao started two weeks later than was the case in Bonaire, but is in the meantime just as severe or even worse. The Dutch Representation in Willemstad in the meantime calls on Dutch tourists and interns on the island to return to the Netherlands as soon as possible, now that hospital care on the island cannot be guaranteed any longer.