
CDB foresees 5,7% growth for Caribbean Region in 2023

Isaac Solomon of the CDB expects positive growth figures for 2023 in the Caribbean Region. Photo: CDB. 

The Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB) Vice President (Operations), Mr Isaac Solomon says regional growth of 5.7 % is forecast for 2023. This is based on the continued revival of tourism arrivals and investments in the energy sector. 

The performance is, however, subject to some risks associated with Advanced Economies which are on track to register lower growth relative to 2022. “Looking ahead,” he added “for 2023 we project that, despite facing multiple challenges, Borrowing Member Countries’ (BMCs) economic performance will continue to improve over the medium-term. While cautiously optimistic about the near-term outlook and recognising the uncertainty regarding the war in Ukraine, it is difficult to estimate growth with a large degree of certainty.”

Economic activity

Examining the economic performance of the Bank’s BMCs in 2022, at the CDB’s Annual News Conference on January 18, in Barbados, Mr Solomon indicated that increased economic activity spurred strong regional economic growth that averaged 10.3% largely because of increased energy production in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, higher international oil prices in commodity-exporting countries and economic growth of 4.6% in tourism-dependent countries. This performance, he stated, helped buoy increased Government revenues and improved fiscal positions.

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