
CRIB-number for all BES-residents between 0 and 67 years of age

Kralendijk- Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland informas that they have created a CRIB number for all residents in the age between 0 and 67. (Centraal Registratie Informatie Belastingplichtige).

The crib-numbers are sent by letter to everyone who is registered in the population administration of Bonaire, Saba or Sint Eustatius, and who falls within this age group. The advantage is that people no longer have to come to the tax office to request and collect a CRIB number. This does not apply to companies.

What is a CRIB number?

A CRIB number is a unique personal number for everyone who is registered with the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland. The number is primarily intended for the contact between private individuals and public authorities. Examples include the Belastingdienst, the Public Entity, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment or Studiefinanciering. A CRIB number makes it possible, for example, to process payments correctly and easily.

What do you need it for?

You’ll need a CRIB number when you have contact with the Belastingdienst, for example when filling out your income tax return. When you make payments to the Belastingdienst you must state this number. Moreover, your (future) employer will need the CRIB number for their payroll administration.


With the CRIB number, data can be traced to a specific person. Careless use of the CRIB number therefore carries privacy risks. These include, for example, abuse of personal data and identity fraud. Therefore, be careful when giving out your CRIB number.

Guard it well

Residents of the Caribbean Netherlands who have dealt with the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland before, already have a CRIB number and will not receive a letter this time. Guard your CRIB number well. However, if you or one of your family members has lost their CRIB number, you can pick up a CRIB statement at the Belastingdienst. You must bring proof of identity.

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