
Daycare temporarily housed in prefab units

Daycare temporarily housed in prefab units

THE BOTTOM – Preparations are in full swing at the Laura Linzey Daycare Center to install prefab housing as a temporary provision until the new permanent location for the daycare is constructed.

The 18 prefab units have been shipped from China and are scheduled to arrive in St. Maarten next month. The 20-foot units are fully equipped and hurricane resistant. They come with a kitchenette, toilets, classrooms and a staff area and will be installed in the backyard of the current daycare location at the former Governor’s House in The Bottom. 

Quality standards 
“The prefab units will help us to meet the quality standards while at the same time creating room for growth,” said Laura Linzey Daycare Center manager Tessa Alexander. The target date for the opening of the daycare center in the prefab units is June 2022. The project is funded by BES(t) 4 Kids. In total, there are about 55 children at the daycare.

Inspections by Saba’s Quality Care Committee, based on the requirements of the Basic Island Ordinance Childcare Saba, found the size of the indoor areas in the former Governor’s House inadequate. Housing the daycare there was a temporary measure after Hurricane Irma badly damaged its housing location at the current Community Development Department.

Because of space limitations at the old Governor’s House, the pre-school group after Hurricane Irma was placed elsewhere, in the rectory of the Anglican Church in The Bottom. When the prefab units have been installed, this group of children will be reunited with the other daycare children. Only the babies will remain in the former Governor’s House. 

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