
Decision taken on daycare housing on Saba

THE BOTTOM – Four plots of land will be purchased to construct new building of the Laura Linzey Daycare in The Bottom. Not in St. John’s as initially planned. The Steering Committee agreed to this, during a meeting with representatives of the Public Entity Saba, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (SZW), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and the Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sport (VWS) in The Hague.

The designated area in St. John’s does not have sufficient space to meet the needs of the current childcare situation based on the Island Ordinance for Childcare. Having the childcare building in The Bottom also has as an advantage that the facilities used by childcare, such as the library, the park and the sports field, are in walking distance. Commissioner Bruce Zagers said: “These adjustments and new constructions need to accommodate the needs of today, but also the needs of the future. Having appropriate facilities will contribute towards creating a safe and conducive learning environment for our children.”

Sacred Heart Kindergarten 

The Steering Committee also made an important decision with regard to the Sacred Heart Kindergarten. It was agreed to expand the kindergarten on the compound of the Sacred Heart Primary School (SHS) by adding a level on one of the existing buildings which will be rebuilt. The width of the classrooms will increase by 2 meters to create larger classrooms. The new structure will be built according to the BES building code. It was a specific wish of the SHS to keep the kindergarten within the school’s compound. The goal is to start the SHS project this summer.

Saba Comprehensive School 

Discussed during the meeting of the Steering Committee was also the shared ambition to expand and upgrade the Saba Comprehensive School (SCS). The option to construct a new school building for the SCS on the vacant plot of land in St. John’s adjacent to the SCS, originally designated for a new childcare and kindergarten building, is being looked at. The current SCS building has outlived its functional and technical lifespan. Also being explored is the option to move the technical school, currently located at Cove Bay, and part of SCS, to a new location in St. John’s. 

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