Culture and Art

Dia di Rincon Colorful & Bright as Always

Participants and onlookers had a great time. The festivities will last till midnight today. Photo: BES-Reporter

Rincon- The Dia di Rincon Celebrations which took place in Bonaire today are always goods for smiles and happy faces, and this year was no different.

Festivities started early this morning with an official part such as a church service, followed by lots of musical presentations and dance shows. The parades of people wearing traditional wear seems to grow year over year.

In spite of the hot sun, there were many onlookers, while others went in search for a cool spot with cold drinks and to sample local cuisine.

The TCB Culture & Friends group, seen here, was by far the largest group. Photo: BES-Reporter.

While the parades during the day were mostly intended for the various groups with folklorist costumes, at 7 the traditional Simadan parade will start where everybody can join in.

Festivities will last till 12 PM tonight.

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