DP Bonaire critical of ExCo’s choices in enforcement

KRALENDIJK- The faction of the Democratic Party on Bonaire (PDB) is very critical of choices made by the Executive Council when it comes to its willingness to take enforcement action. The faction points to the great contrast between the way in which a street vendor has been treated, and the way in which violations are handled committed the Chogogo Resort.
In the case of Pastechi & More, the permit holder had to move his cart to a place that would cause less nuisance to local residents. A complaint about this led to an intervention by the Supervision & Enforcement Department at the entrepreneur in question, who had to shift his trade a bit as a result.
The PDB finds the ExCo’s choices in the Pastechi & More case in stark contrast to the conduct when it comes to the violations at the Chogogo Resort. “It is unacceptable to the Democratic Group that, after the meeting with Chogogo Beach & Resort, the Island Governor has decided to interfere with this issue by instructing Stinapa and the officials of the above-mentioned directorate not to stop the construction and not to impose the penalty. In other words: Not comply with the applicable laws and regulations”, according to the red party.
The Party emphasizes that everyone must abide by the law. “It is as if the Executive Council decides for whom the law is applicable, and for whom not. Seemingly, this depends on the financial position of the person or the group in question,” says the PDB.
Council meeting
A public meeting of the Island Council, requested by the faction will be held on December 7 to discuss the affairs of the Chogogo resort.