
Employees of prison Curaçao will do familiarization internship at prison Bonaire

Photo - Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland

KRALENDIJK – On Monday, a familiarization internship has begun at the Justitiële Instellingen Caribisch Nederland (JICN)as part of a so-called ‘Twinning Program’.

Colleagues from the Sentro di Detenshon i Korekshon Korsou (SDKK) prison in Curaçao will participate in a 14-day familiarization internship at JICN in Bonaire as part of this program.


During the internship, colleagues from various disciplines within the SDKK will have the opportunity to observe and gain experience within JICN. Specifically, they will observe how we implement our detention and reintegration programs and how we shape our work instructions in terms of interaction.

According to the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN), exchanging experience and knowledge is of great importance, and the Twinning Program is ideal for this purpose.


Both organizations are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the upcoming days.

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