
Fathers can now join the Public Library for free

KRALENDIJK- As a gift for Father’s Day, fathers can join the library for free on Monday July 20th.

With this campaign, the library wants to encourage dads to read more. The library’s collection contains many books that fathers can identify with. Reading broadens knowledge and through reading one also becomes acquainted with new worlds. The library has a wide variety of types of books: information books, non-fiction and fiction novels.

The library also has many children’s books that dads can read to their kids. Reading aloud strengthens the bond with the child and can make children love to read more. Dad can act as a role model. Reading or reading aloud is pleasant and promotes language development, perspective on the world, general development and much more.


In the context of Father’s Day, all fathers from Bonaire are welcome in the Bonaire Public Library between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM. They are pampered with a free membership and a small surprise. To encourage digital reading, these fathers also receive their login details for the Online Library.

Membership up to the age of 18 is free. For members over the age of 18, a membership costs $6 per year. On Monday 20 June 2022, fathers can join the library for free. The library can be found at Kaya Gramel z/n.

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