
Fireworks shortage looms for Bonaire this year-end

The firework display will start at 7.30 PM.
Fireworks shortage looms for Bonaire this year-end

KRALENDIJK- It will be great news to animal lovers, but rather sad news for fireworks enthusiasts on the island: There is real chance of a drastic shortfall in firework supplies at the end of the year.

The possible shortage is caused by the current congestion in international freight transport. Not only will this lead to much higher prices for anything involving international shipments, but it is not even sure as of yet that the containers with firework will actually sail on time to reach Bonaire before the end of December. 

The BES-Reporter understands from conversations with the main fireworks importers on the island that November 18 will be a critical date. “The containers have been ready for shipment in China for quite some time, but it is by no means certain that they will actually sail. If this doesn’t at the latest on November 18 at the latest, it will no longer makes sense to ship at all. The containers will then not on the island on time”, says Osvaldo Emerenciana. Together with his brother and other family member Emerenciana accounts for an important part of the yearly firework sales. 

One trader seems to have acted on time, and will receive the flammable goods well in time.


In that case the normal containers do not arrive on time, importing fireworks wholesalers in Curaçao may still be an option. However, that option will lead to even steeper than with direct import. “In Curaçao there is an import duty of no less than 71% on the import of fireworks, while on Bonaire it is only 8%,” says Emerenciana. If the stuff has to come from Curaçao, consumers on Bonaire will pay top dollar. 

Due to the economic downturn in Curaçao after the Covid crisis, much fewer containers are expected on Curaçao, compared to other years.

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