First Aid Course Day Care, After School Care Saba

The Bottom, Saba -The Day Care staff and the Afterschool Care staff attended a two-day first aid course for small children and babies on Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29.
The staff of the Afterschool Care was trained in the morning, while the staff Day Care staff received their training in the afternoon. Twenty persons, 14 of Day Care and six of After School care, participated in the training, which was facilitated by the Netherlands Red Cross, in collaboration with the Saba Red Cross. The criteria of this first aid course for children and small babies is specified in a Dutch ministerial regulation, the so-called IKK-regulation. The Saba Red Cross holds this certification.
Head of Personnel Affairs of the Public Entity Saba Miguela Gumbs saw the need for this course and contacted the Red Cross to provide this particular course on Saba. “It is a unique course that specifically focuses on performing first aid on small children and babies, and has never been given before on Saba.”
After successfully completing this accredited course, the Day Care and Afterschool Care staff will be certified and capable to act adequately in the event of an accident when looking after children and babies. “This is another step in the exercise of government to professionalize its civil servants to better service the community needs in a safe and responsible way,” stated Gumbs.