Labor Market

Five Social Work Spaces Created at Selibon

Kralendijk – Selibon and Plenchi di Trabou have been working together since February 2021. This pilot project concerns the processing of household waste. Plenchi di Trabou finances five workplaces at Selibon for people with a physical limitations.

The activities of this project are carried out both standing and sitting. The project includes recycling (household) waste and processing waste for export and reuse.

“The moment Selibon collects the waste, it is seperated and transported to Lagun. The waste is stored in different categories at Lagun. Selibon wants to go a step further. In the future, some of this waste, such as cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum / metal and electronic devices, will be made ready for reuse on Bonaire or for export. The five people who started on February 15, 2021 will achieve this goal ”, according to Mr. Rudsel Leito – director of Selibnon NV.

Although Selibon NV has focused on the collection of waste in recent years, it also ensures that this waste is stored and processed in a responsible manner. As a company with a social vision, Selibon aspires to have the staff reflect the different people in our society.

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