
Flamingo Airport Bonaire holds successful FOD walk 2023

Airport staff at the end of the activity. Photo: BIA

KRALENDIJK – In celebration of International Civil Aviation Day, Bonaire International Airport (BIA) conducted its annual FOD (Foreign Object Debris) walk last Friday. During this activity, employees, along with many colleagues, removed loose objects such as metal, plastic, and other debris from the airport premises. These items have the potential to cause damage to aircraft during taxiing, takeoff, or landing.

Before the walk, the Airport Safety Officer and BIA’s director provided a brief explanation of the importance of removing obstacles and debris on the airport. It is a collective responsibility to prevent FOD from ending up on the airside, where it could potentially cause harm.



In addition to preventing loose debris, BIA’s FOD Prevention Plan focuses on proper storage and disposal. Throughout the entire airport premises, various yellow bins are designated for collecting FOD as part of the waste management process.

The FOD walk contributes to enhancing safety awareness and the safety culture at the airport.

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