
Freewinds Volunteer Ministers recognized for sanitizing schools in Aruba

Oranjestad, Aruba – Acting Director of Education, Ms. Nora Eleonora, made a presentation before a group of teachers and school principals to recognize the work done by the Volunteer Minsters from the Freewinds and the Aruba Fire Department after having sanitized 18 public schools to protect against Covid-19.

After presenting a unique piece of artwork to Mr. Ken Weber, Port Captain of the Freewinds, Ms. Eleonora expressed her gratitude stating, “Thank you so much Freewinds to be with us at the time we needed you.  You are really angels to help us.  It is very special to us to have you here to help our schools so that our children can be safe.”

During the past few months the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers working with the Aruba Firefighters have sanitized over 120 locations including police stations, NGO facilities, churches, government offices and 47 schools.

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