
Gasoline and diesel cheaper, kerosene and gas more expensive

KRALENDIJK – Starting January 12, gasoline will become 3 cents cheaper, while diesel will decrease in price by 11 cents. On the other hand, kerosene will become 2 cents more expensive.

There is also a price increase for gas: large gas cylinders (100 lbs) will become 1 dollar more expensive, and small gas cylinders (20 lbs) will increase by 10 cents. These price changes follow the adjustment of the excise rate for gasoline, which has been set at USD 31.86 cents per hectoliter since January 1, 2024, and the upcoming change in retail margins for fuel as of January 12.

The retail margins for gasoline (MOGAS95) and diesel (LSD) are both set at USD 8 cents. These adjustments aim to provide more transparency in the fuel price structure and better inform consumers on Bonaire about current fuel prices.

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