
Girl Lost on Hiking Trip Found by Coast Guard Helicopter

The Coastguard’s Helicopter in action on Monday morning. Photo: Coast Guard.

Kralendijk- At 10:53 am this morning, the Coast Guard Rescue & Coordination Center was called by the Bonaire police to request assistance with the Coast Guard patrol helicopter in a Search & Rescue case.

A girl who was on a hiking trip with her parents had been missing for an hour. The helicopter had just returned from a patrol flight at that time and immediately refueled and took off again towards Bonaire.

In the meantime, the police had contacted the girl via her cell phone, but communication was difficult. The girl indicated that she could see the police cars but did not know how to get there. Upon arrival, the Coast Guard patrol helicopter was directed to the girl’s suspected location.

The girl was now taken on board the helicopter the Flamingo airport where an ambulance was waiting for her. She was brought to the hospital. Apart from being a bit disoriented a having a headache, the girl was found to be in good condition.

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