
Importance of our Heritage: a News Café by Terramar Museum

Fotocredit: Terramar Museum Bonaire

KRALENDIJK – On Friday, 28th of July, Terramar Museum will initiate their new project. Where they will host various activities related to the Slavery Memorial Year. The first one will be a News Café with the topic of ‘The Importance of our Heritage’.

The goal of the project will be to create a platform for expression, learning and communication to then obtain the tools necessary for our community and its leaders. We will have film screenings to address the subject of colonialism and slavery, opportunities for the community to express themselves artistically and debate evenings to address the subject locally.

On this night, together with our guest speakers we will initiate the conversation with the statement ‘Colonialism and its effect on our heritage’. To acquire acknowledgment and for all those involved to develop multiple perspectives on slavery history.

By creating spaces for dialogue, Terramar Museum aims to be an agent of social change and development that connect us to our communities and strengthen our own identities.

This event will take place at Terramar Museum, Kaya Isla Riba 3 from 18:30 to 20:00.
Join the conversation!

Due to limited space, reservations are highly recommended. You can do so by contacting Terramar Museum at [email protected] or +599 701 4700

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