
Indebon cleans sports fields

Indebon cleans sports fields

KRALENDIJK – The Instituto Deportivo Boneiru (Indebon) has started cleaning sports fields and their immediate surroundings. This year, Indebon will place more emphasis on keeping sports grounds clean, so that young and old can use them as much as possible.

Indebon is currently working on this cleaning work in the Rincon district and also around the Jossy Boekhoudt Ballpark, the Amas Ballpark and the ATC field. In addition, Indebon is currently also repairing and cleaning the field at Pal’i Tamarijn. A fence will also be built around this field. Work will begin next week at the Elio Flores field and the Julio Angela Ballpark. Maintenance work will also be started on the Sylvio ‘Chio’ Semeleer mini football fields in Nort’i Saliña and the Cruyff Court in Tera Kòrá. The Kralendijk stadium is also due for maintenance, but this will take place after the work on the other sports fields has been completed.


Indebon’s goal is to keep all sports facilities clean and tidy all year round, so that the entire society can use them and the practice of sports can continue to grow on Bonaire. Indebon has more projects in the works for this year and these will be announced in due course.

Indebon would like to appeal to the community to help keep the sports facilities clean and maintained. “After all, the sports facilities belong to all of us who live on Bonaire.”

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