
It’s time to count Loras again with the Echo Foundation

Lora's at Echo | Foto Rudolf Wout

KRALENDIJK- The Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot (YSAP: Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot), known locally as the Lora, is an endangered species of parrot. The largest remaining population lives here on the island and the Echo Foundation is proud of that

To collect data on the Lora population of Bonaire, Echo organizes semi-annual Lora censuses. Research into the dynamics of this important local parrot population is very important. It will help us better track whether population growth is healthy, stable or declining, how the population is distributed across the island and how the numbers counted compare to previous censuses.

To have hard data and confirm the status of the parrot population, Echo is organizing another Roost Count on July 30, 2022. Echo is looking for wildlife enthusiasts and early birds to help with the upcoming count. Volunteers who regularly participate in this conservation project enjoy not only the parrots, but also the beauty of an early Bonairean sunrise from their observation post. But above all, the counts will allow Echo to monitor the parrots’ behavior and roosts during the breeding and dry seasons. To do this, we compare the data of the coming count next to the data of the previous counts.

A roost is a place where Loras settle to sleep for the night. The volunteers are assigned an observation point near the roost and count the birds that wake up when the sun rises and leave the roost area to forage for food. Echo already has over 30 confirmed berths and each berth requires at least two volunteers to observe.


Echo emphasizes that prior knowledge is not necessary to participate. To this end, an information meeting will be organized at Posada Para Mira on Wednesday 20 July. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM, you are welcome from 6:30 PM. During this meeting you will receive an explanation about the count itself and about the use of the counting forms. If you are unable to attend, you can also view the information live on Echo’s Facebook page.

Echo hopes that people who have counted before will want to do so again. “As a loyal participant, if you prefer, you can let us know if you’d like to count on the same roost site or if you’d rather explore a new location,” said Echo.

In particular, Echo urges residents of Antriol, Tera Cora or southern Rincon who regularly see Loras in a specific area during the morning and evening hours to contact Echo at [email protected] to let us know. .

Echo says it hopes that people will help count our Loras on July 30th. Those interested in participating can also register via the email address above.

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