
Kick-off for the Adoptie Grootouder Program at MBO Bonaire

KRALENDIJK – On Saturday, the starting signal was given for the Adoptive Grandparent program 2023-2024 at MBO Bonaire.

As part of the program, students studying Helpende Zorg & Welzijn (Assisting Care & Welfare) and Medewerkers Sport & Recreatie (Sports & Recreation Employees) ‘adopt’ an elderly person, providing them with time and attention, and learning to care for the elderly with love and dedication. The activity is generally well-received by the ‘adopted’ elderly individuals.


“Our students are putting into practice what they learn during their studies. Their task is to care for people with love and dedication,” says Dietrich Winklaar, who is the team leader of Dienstverlening (Service) at MBO Bonaire.

Fantastic Program

Lisette Wolff, unit director, mentions that this is a fantastic program. “We are pleased to have even more people present than last year. I am proud of this group of students and everyone who is here.”

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