
Lower electricity tariffs as of November 1st

KRALENDIJK – WEB Bonaire announces new electricity tariffs from November 1st 2022 for a period of 2 months. The electricity tariffs will decrease as a result of a subsidy made possible by the Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire (OLB).

This subsidy is made possible by the OLB to compensate the increase in tariffs that entered into effect on July 1st 2022. This subsidy is in addition to the existing subsidy from Ministerie EZK, which means that the fixed usage tariffs are set to nil and a discount of USD 0.0350 per kWh is applied on the variable usage tariff.

Based on this for a period of 2 months the new electricity tariffs per November 1st 2022 will be as follows:

Variable electricity user tariff (post-paid): USD 0.3903 per kWh

Tariff Pagabon (pre-paid): USD 0.3903 per kWh

Fixed electricity user tariff: USD 0 per month (or per KVA per month)

The adjustment in the tariff will be visible on the invoices from consumption period with a start date for the consumption in November 2022. For pre-paid users (Pagabon) the adjusted tariff will be visible from November 1st 2022.

The tariffs as of 1 January 2023 will be published after final determination of the ACM tariffs and the subsidies.

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