
Management change forthcoming at waste processor Selibon

Rudsel Leito

KRALENDIJK – Bonaire Holding Company announced on Wednesday that during a recent general meeting of shareholders of Selibon N.V., it was decided to terminate the collaboration with current director Rudsel Leito as director and statutory director. Leito will step down from his position on July 22, 2024.

There have been significant ongoing issues within Selibon that have remained unresolved or inadequately addressed. “As director and board member of Bonaire Holding Company N.V. (BHM), I closely monitor the developments within Selibon. The change in leadership is part of a strategy to further develop the company sustainably, address current challenges, and improve operational efficiency within the company,” said Adely Susana-Jansen regarding the impending change.


The coming period will be used to appoint a new management in collaboration with other stakeholders of the company with the aim of strengthening the company’s structure and ensuring the continuity of Selibon.

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