
Minister Harbers enthusiastic about potential emission-free flights

Minister Mark Harbers seen here during a recent visit to Bonaire International Airport. Photo: ABC Online Media

THE HAGUE – Converting aircraft to run on hydrogen, developing new lightweight materials and new, advanced cabling systems needed for hybrid-electric aircraft. These are three examples of projects for making aviation more sustainable, which were presented on Wednesday at the launch event of Aviation in Transition (LiT). Minister Mark Harbers spoke at the launch event on Wednesday.

LiT is a program that houses a number of such projects. The industrial sector, SMEs and knowledge and educational institutions are working together to accelerate the sustainability of aviation. The government is contributing 383 million euros from the Growth Fund, of which 119 million is still conditional. The more than 60 parties involved invest the same amount.

At the kick-off event, Harbers showed an example of the technological innovation required for sustainability: a component usable for aviation, made of magnesium, made entirely by a 3D printer. Made by the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Center (NLR).

Dutch innovation

  “A beautiful example of innovative technology from the Dutch,” says Harbers. “And you achieve 30 to 40 percent weight savings with this. Less weight means less emissions: this is another step closer to zero-emission flying.”

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