
Modest Labor Day Celebration on Bonaire

A small but cheerful crowd attended the official Labor Day celebration today at Eddy’s restaurant. Photo: BES-Reporter

Kralendijk – A relatively small group today attended the official celebration of Labor Day in Eddy’s restaurant.

In addition to the various trade unions, members of the BBE Business Association, commissioners Tjin-Asjoe and Den Heyer and members of the press were also present.

In spite of the relatively small turnout, the mood was upbeat. In a number of short speeches, reference was made to the matters which according trade union umbrella Union di Sindikatonan Boneriano (USIBO), were achieved in the past year. The unions are particularly satisfied with the fact that the Central Dialogue, in which employers, unions and the government together negotiation about matters that are important on the labor market and therefore employees on the island, was restarted.

USIBO during the the meeting also said farewell to departing USIBO chairman Charles Mercelina, while his successor, Mavis Albertus, was officially welcomed. Both Mercelina and the first president of USIBO, Marcelino (Chaly) Anthony received a certificate as a token of appreciation for the work in recent years.

Commissioner of Social Affairs, Nina Den Heyer pointed out the importance of work in the fight against poverty, but also indicated that it was a well-known fact that the work ethic on the islands could improve a little further.

On behalf of employers’ association BBE, Eddy Carillo Jr. compared the employees as the engine of the company. “Suppose the employer is the steering wheel, steering the organization in the right direction, the organization would not get far without the engine (the employees) who perform the work of the engine”, said Carillo. Carillo thinks it is important that at least once a year official attention is paid to the efforts of the employees in our local organizations.

The official part was followed by a pleasant gathering during which the attendees continued their conversation while enjoying a snack and a drink.

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