Monument foundation officially established on Bonaire

The Pasagrahan building in Bonaire is one of the more iconic old buildings on the island, which has been fully restored to its original glory.
Kralendijk- After various years of preparatory work, the Monument Foundation has finally been officially established on Bonaire. The official establishment of the foundation was helped along by efforts of Newton Heritage Consulting and the Heritage Foundation Bonaire.
The monument council has also played in important roles in the preparatory work that was executed, by providing advice on numerous occasions to the Executive Council when it comes to management of monuments on the island.
The Government of Bonaire says that the historic homes and buildings are the iconic face of the island. “Monuments are part of our history, but also very much our present”, according to a press statement of the Government. According to government, it is important to nurture this heritage and to preserve monuments for our children and grandchildren.
The Public Entity says that it is also important to assist owners of monuments to properly maintain and restore the monument they own. Through the work of the established Monument Foundation, owners of monuments will soon be eligible for financial support for the Monument Foundation, which can be considered very good news for the island and the preservation efforts when it comes to the preservation and maintenance of national heritage on the island.