MP Silveria Jacobs Resigns from Parliament however, remains as Prime Minister

Philipsburg – Member of Parliament Silveria Jacobs, currently serving as Prime Minister announced that she has officially resigned from Parliament as of Tuesday, February 18th. She had just returned from a weeklong working visit to the Netherlands, where it became clear that giving proper representation in Parliament would be a great challenge. In her statement, MP Jacobs explained that carrying the multiple roles of Prime Minister, Member of Parliament and Formateur does not allow enough time for her to carry out all her duties with the attention and dedication to which she is accustomed, and which the people of St. Maarten deserve.
As Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs, the day to day running of Government is also quite a task. While, as formateur, Prime Minister Jacobs is expected to meet the agreed upon deadlines with His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday. The formation is essential to the continuity of government. By vacating the seat, Prime Minister Jacobs allows for the proper representation by the next highest vote getter of the NA party, who will then be joining the other sitting NA MPs.
“It’s an honor to be elected as a Member of Parliament, as well as to be nominated as Prime Minister by the NA/UP coalition. I vow to continue to serve the people of St. Maarten to the best of my ability, and thank them for this great honor!” concluded Prime Minister Jacobs.