
MYF (Statia) Happy with Donations

The parents of Daniel, Jahzara and Reginee; Hassell, Maeyano; Jimenez, Yohan;  Phillip, Junique and Janicia will not have to pay any contribution for a year, thanks to generous donations. Photo: MYF

Oranjestad- Thanks to two recent donations, the parents of 6 childeren will not have to pay any contribution for the activities at Mega D. Youth Foundation (MYF) for a whole year.

The donations were made available by Mazinga N.V and Louisa Stichting N.V from the Netherlands. The donations have been applied towards the yearly contribution of some of MYF’s participants.

Leontine Durby from Mazinga N.V. explained the reason behind her donation. “The occasion was actually for Mazinga ‘s 50 year anniversary and I chose Mega D foundation because they have been doing such great work with and for the youth of statia consistently for a long time now. The youth , their foundation is of utmost importance for the future of themselves as human beings in a community but for the future of statia as well”, said Durby.

Tom Ruitenga from the Louisa Foundation said he was happy to be able to help: “When my retirement was there I felt the need to do something back to the children of Statia for all my happy years on Statia. Children are the future!”  

MYF said they were extremely grateful for the donations. “With donations like these it warms our hearts that people are seeing the importance of ensuring a great future for our youth”, according to MYF.

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