Nature fee for 2020 paid

Kralendijk- On Friday january 10th 2020, Lieutenant Governor Edison Rijna paid his nature fee online on STINAPA’s new online nature fee payment system. The payment of diver’s nature fee of $45 is required by law for everyone that wants to dive in the Bonaire National Marine Park. Although the online payment system was introduced in 2019, it is still possible to pay the nature fee over the counter at local dive shops and at STINAPA headquarters.
Commissioner Elvis Tjin Asjoe also paid his nature fee, he used the over counter system. Which is the system that STINAPA always used to process nature fee payments. Both Lieutenant Governor Rijna and Commissioner Tjin Asjoe received their limited edition souvenir tag. In 2020 the round tag and square tag will not be available anymore, however everyone that pays the nature fee will be able to receive a limited edition souvenir tag. This tag will not be a proof of payment, as it is still required by law to carry the paper proof of payment.
For payment of the nature fee you can go on For more information regarding the nature fee visit